// This example shows how to subscribe to dataset messages, specifying just the published dataset name, and resolving all // the dataset subscription arguments from an OPC-UA PubSub configuration file. // // In order to produce network messages for this example, run the UADemoPublisher tool. For documentation, see // https://kb.opclabs.com/UADemoPublisher_Basics . In some cases, you may have to specify the interface name to be used. // // Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub; namespace UADocExamples.PubSub._EasyUASubscriber { partial class SubscribeDataSet { public static void PublishedDataSet() { // Define the PubSub resolver. We want the information be resolved from a PubSub binary configuration file that // we have. The file itself is at the root of the project, and we have specified that it has to be copied to the // project's output directory. var pubSubResolverDescriptor = UAPubSubResolverDescriptor.File("UADemoPublisher-Default.uabinary"); // Instantiate the subscriber object. var subscriber = new EasyUASubscriber(); Console.WriteLine("Subscribing..."); // Specify the published dataset name, and let all other subscription arguments be resolved automatically. subscriber.SubscribeDataSet(pubSubResolverDescriptor, "AllTypes-Dynamic", (sender, args) => { // Display the dataset. if (args.Succeeded) { // An event with null DataSetData just indicates a successful connection. if (!(args.DataSetData is null)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Dataset data: {args.DataSetData}"); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, UADataSetFieldData> pair in args.DataSetData.FieldDataDictionary) Console.WriteLine(pair); } } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"*** Failure: {args.ErrorMessageBrief}"); } }); Console.WriteLine("Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds..."); Thread.Sleep(20 * 1000); Console.WriteLine("Unsubscribing..."); subscriber.UnsubscribeAllDataSets(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 1 second..."); // Unsubscribe operation is asynchronous, messages may still come for a short while. Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); Console.WriteLine("Finished."); } // Example output: // //Subscribing... //Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds... // //Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 //[BoolToggle, False {System.Boolean}; Good] //[Byte, 137 {System.Byte}; Good] //[Int16, 10377 {System.Int16}; Good] //[Int32, 43145 {System.Int32}; Good] //[Int64, 43145 {System.Int64}; Good] //[SByte, 9 {System.Int16}; Good] //[UInt16, 43145 {System.Int32}; Good] //[UInt32, 43145 {System.Int64}; Good] //[UInt64, 43145 {System.Decimal}; Good] //[Float, 43145 {System.Single}; Good] //[Double, 43145 {System.Double}; Good] //[String, Lima {System.String}; Good] //[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] //[Guid, 45a99b50-e265-41f2-adea-d0bcedc3ff4b {System.Guid}; Good] //[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:34 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] //[UInt32Array, [10] {43145, 43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] // //Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 //[BoolToggle, True {System.Boolean}; Good] //[Byte, 138 {System.Byte}; Good] //[Int16, 10378 {System.Int16}; Good] //[Int32, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] //[Int64, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] //[SByte, 10 {System.Int16}; Good] //[UInt16, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] //[UInt32, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] //[UInt64, 43146 {System.Decimal}; Good] //[Float, 43146 {System.Single}; Good] //[Double, 43146 {System.Double}; Good] //[String, Mike {System.String}; Good] //[Guid, a0f06d75-9896-4fa3-9724-b564359da21b {System.Guid}; Good] //[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:34 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] //[UInt32Array, [10] {43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, 43150, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] //[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] // //Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 //[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:35 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] //[BoolToggle, True {System.Boolean}; Good] //[Byte, 138 {System.Byte}; Good] //[Int16, 10378 {System.Int16}; Good] //[Int32, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] //[Int64, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] //[SByte, 10 {System.Int16}; Good] //[UInt16, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] //[UInt32, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] //[UInt64, 43146 {System.Decimal}; Good] //[Float, 43146 {System.Single}; Good] //[Double, 43146 {System.Double}; Good] //[String, Mike {System.String}; Good] //[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] //[Guid, a0f06d75-9896-4fa3-9724-b564359da21b {System.Guid}; Good] //[UInt32Array, [10] {43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, 43150, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] // //... } }
# This example shows how to subscribe to dataset messages, specifying just the published dataset name, and resolving all # the dataset subscription arguments from an OPC-UA PubSub configuration file. # # In order to produce network messages for this example, run the UADemoPublisher tool. For documentation, see # https://kb.opclabs.com/UADemoPublisher_Basics . In some cases, you may have to specify the interface name to be used. # # Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . # OPC client and subscriber examples in Python on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-Python . # The QuickOPC package is needed. Install it using "pip install opclabs_quickopc". import opclabs_quickopc import time # Import .NET namespaces. from OpcLabs.BaseLib import * from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub import * from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub.OperationModel import * def dataSetMessage(sender, e): # Display the dataset. if e.Succeeded: # An event with null DataSetData just indicates a successful connection. if e.DataSetData is not None: print('') print('Dataset data: ', e.DataSetData, sep='') for pair in e.DataSetData.FieldDataDictionary: print(pair) else: print('') print('*** Failure: ', e.ErrorMessageBrief, sep='') # Define the PubSub resolver. We want the information be resolved from a PubSub binary configuration file that # we have. The file itself is in this script's directory. pubSubResolverDescriptor = UAPubSubResolverDescriptor.File(ResourceDescriptor('UADemoPublisher-Default.uabinary')) # Instantiate the subscriber object. subscriber = EasyUASubscriber() print('Subscribing...') # Specify the published dataset name, and let all other subscription arguments be resolved automatically. IEasyUASubscriberExtension.SubscribeDataSet(subscriber, pubSubResolverDescriptor, 'AllTypes-Dynamic', EasyUADataSetMessageEventHandler(dataSetMessage)) print('Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds...') time.sleep(20) print('Unsubscribing...') subscriber.UnsubscribeAllDataSets() print('Waiting for 1 second...') # Unsubscribe operation is asynchronous, messages may still come for a short while. time.sleep(1) print('Finished.')
' This example shows how to subscribe to dataset messages, specifying just the published dataset name, and resolving all ' the dataset subscription arguments from an OPC-UA PubSub configuration file. ' ' In order to produce network messages for this example, run the UADemoPublisher tool. For documentation, see ' https://kb.opclabs.com/UADemoPublisher_Basics . In some cases, you may have to specify the interface name to be used. ' ' Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub Namespace PubSub._EasyUASubscriber Partial Friend Class SubscribeDataSet Public Shared Sub PublishedDataSet() ' Define the PubSub resolver. We want the information be resolved from a PubSub binary configuration file that ' we have. The file itself is at the root of the project, and we have specified that it has to be copied to the ' project's output directory. Dim pubSubResolverDescriptor = UAPubSubResolverDescriptor.File("UADemoPublisher-Default.uabinary") ' Instantiate the subscriber object. Dim subscriber = New EasyUASubscriber() Console.WriteLine("Subscribing...") ' Specify the published dataset name, and let all other subscription arguments be resolved automatically. subscriber.SubscribeDataSet(pubSubResolverDescriptor, "AllTypes-Dynamic", Sub(sender, eventArgs) ' Display the dataset. If eventArgs.Succeeded Then ' An event with null DataSetData just indicates a successful connection. If Not eventArgs.DataSetData Is Nothing Then Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine("Dataset data: {0}", eventArgs.DataSetData) For Each pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, UADataSetFieldData) In eventArgs.DataSetData.FieldDataDictionary Console.WriteLine(pair) Next End If Else Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", eventArgs.ErrorMessageBrief) End If End Sub) Console.WriteLine("Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds...") Threading.Thread.Sleep(20 * 1000) Console.WriteLine("Unsubscribing...") subscriber.UnsubscribeAllDataSets() Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 1 second...") ' Unsubscribe operation is asynchronous, messages may still come for a short while. Threading.Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000) Console.WriteLine("Finished...") End Sub End Class ' Example output ' 'Subscribing... 'Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds... ' 'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 '[BoolToggle, False {System.Boolean}; Good] '[Byte, 137 {System.Byte}; Good] '[Int16, 10377 {System.Int16}; Good] '[Int32, 43145 {System.Int32}; Good] '[Int64, 43145 {System.Int64}; Good] '[SByte, 9 {System.Int16}; Good] '[UInt16, 43145 {System.Int32}; Good] '[UInt32, 43145 {System.Int64}; Good] '[UInt64, 43145 {System.Decimal}; Good] '[Float, 43145 {System.Single}; Good] '[Double, 43145 {System.Double}; Good] '[String, Lima {System.String}; Good] '[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] '[Guid, 45a99b50-e265-41f2-adea-d0bcedc3ff4b {System.Guid}; Good] '[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:34 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] '[UInt32Array, [10] {43145, 43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] ' 'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 '[BoolToggle, True {System.Boolean}; Good] '[Byte, 138 {System.Byte}; Good] '[Int16, 10378 {System.Int16}; Good] '[Int32, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] '[Int64, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] '[SByte, 10 {System.Int16}; Good] '[UInt16, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] '[UInt32, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] '[UInt64, 43146 {System.Decimal}; Good] '[Float, 43146 {System.Single}; Good] '[Double, 43146 {System.Double}; Good] '[String, Mike {System.String}; Good] '[Guid, a0f06d75-9896-4fa3-9724-b564359da21b {System.Guid}; Good] '[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:34 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] '[UInt32Array, [10] {43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, 43150, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] '[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] ' 'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 '[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:35 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] '[BoolToggle, True {System.Boolean}; Good] '[Byte, 138 {System.Byte}; Good] '[Int16, 10378 {System.Int16}; Good] '[Int32, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] '[Int64, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] '[SByte, 10 {System.Int16}; Good] '[UInt16, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] '[UInt32, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] '[UInt64, 43146 {System.Decimal}; Good] '[Float, 43146 {System.Single}; Good] '[Double, 43146 {System.Double}; Good] '[String, Mike {System.String}; Good] '[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] '[Guid, a0f06d75-9896-4fa3-9724-b564359da21b {System.Guid}; Good] '[UInt32Array, [10] {43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, 43150, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] '... End Namespace
// This example shows how to subscribe to dataset messages, specifying just the published dataset name, and resolving all // the dataset subscription arguments from an OPC-UA PubSub configuration file. // // In order to produce network messages for this example, run the UADemoPublisher tool. For documentation, see // https://kb.opclabs.com/UADemoPublisher_Basics . In some cases, you may have to specify the interface name to be used. // // Find all latest examples here : https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . type TSubscriberEventHandlers79 = class procedure OnDataSetMessage( ASender: TObject; sender: OleVariant; const eventArgs: _EasyUADataSetMessageEventArgs); end; class procedure SubscribeDataSet.PublishedDataSet; var SubscribeDataSetArguments: _EasyUASubscribeDataSetArguments; Subscriber: TEasyUASubscriber; SubscriberEventHandlers: TSubscriberEventHandlers79; begin SubscribeDataSetArguments := CoEasyUASubscribeDataSetArguments.Create; // Specify the published dataset name, and let all other subscription arguments be resolved automatically. SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.PublishedDataSetName := 'AllTypes-Dynamic'; // Define the PubSub resolver. We want the information be resolved from a PubSub binary configuration file that // we have. The file itself is included alongside the script. SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.ResolverDescriptor.PublisherFileResourceDescriptor.UrlString := 'UADemoPublisher-Default.uabinary'; SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.ResolverDescriptor.ResolverKind := UAPubSubResolverKind_PublisherFile; // Instantiate the subscriber object and hook events. Subscriber := TEasyUASubscriber.Create(nil); SubscriberEventHandlers := TSubscriberEventHandlers79.Create; Subscriber.OnDataSetMessage := SubscriberEventHandlers.OnDataSetMessage; WriteLn('Subscribing...'); Subscriber.SubscribeDataSet(SubscribeDataSetArguments); WriteLn('Processing dataset message for 20 seconds...'); PumpSleep(20*1000); WriteLn('Unsubscribing...'); Subscriber.UnsubscribeAllDataSets; WriteLn('Waiting for 1 second...'); // Unsubscribe operation is asynchronous, messages may still come for a short while. PumpSleep(1*1000); WriteLn('Finished.'); FreeAndNil(Subscriber); FreeAndNil(SubscriberEventHandlers); end; procedure TSubscriberEventHandlers79.OnDataSetMessage( ASender: TObject; sender: OleVariant; const eventArgs: _EasyUADataSetMessageEventArgs); var Count: Cardinal; DictionaryEntry2: _DictionaryEntry2; Element: OleVariant; FieldDataDictionaryEnumerator: IEnumVariant; begin // Display the dataset. if eventArgs.Succeeded then begin // An event with null DataSetData just indicates a successful connection. if eventArgs.DataSetData <> nil then begin WriteLn; WriteLn('Dataset data: ', eventArgs.DataSetData.ToString); FieldDataDictionaryEnumerator := eventArgs.DataSetData.FieldDataDictionary.GetEnumerator; while (FieldDataDictionaryEnumerator.Next(1, Element, Count) = S_OK) do begin DictionaryEntry2 := IUnknown(Element) as _DictionaryEntry2; WriteLn(DictionaryEntry2.ToString); end; end; end else begin WriteLn; WriteLn('*** Failure: ', eventArgs.ErrorMessageBrief); end; end; // Example output: // //Subscribing... //Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds... // //Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 //[BoolToggle, False {System.Boolean}; Good] //[Byte, 137 {System.Byte}; Good] //[Int16, 10377 {System.Int16}; Good] //[Int32, 43145 {System.Int32}; Good] //[Int64, 43145 {System.Int64}; Good] //[SByte, 9 {System.Int16}; Good] //[UInt16, 43145 {System.Int32}; Good] //[UInt32, 43145 {System.Int64}; Good] //[UInt64, 43145 {System.Decimal}; Good] //[Float, 43145 {System.Single}; Good] //[Double, 43145 {System.Double}; Good] //[String, Lima {System.String}; Good] //[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] //[Guid, 45a99b50-e265-41f2-adea-d0bcedc3ff4b {System.Guid}; Good] //[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:34 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] //[UInt32Array, [10] {43145, 43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] // //Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 //[BoolToggle, True {System.Boolean}; Good] //[Byte, 138 {System.Byte}; Good] //[Int16, 10378 {System.Int16}; Good] //[Int32, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] //[Int64, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] //[SByte, 10 {System.Int16}; Good] //[UInt16, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] //[UInt32, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] //[UInt64, 43146 {System.Decimal}; Good] //[Float, 43146 {System.Single}; Good] //[Double, 43146 {System.Double}; Good] //[String, Mike {System.String}; Good] //[Guid, a0f06d75-9896-4fa3-9724-b564359da21b {System.Guid}; Good] //[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:34 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] //[UInt32Array, [10] {43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, 43150, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] //[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] // //Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 //[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:35 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] //[BoolToggle, True {System.Boolean}; Good] //[Byte, 138 {System.Byte}; Good] //[Int16, 10378 {System.Int16}; Good] //[Int32, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] //[Int64, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] //[SByte, 10 {System.Int16}; Good] //[UInt16, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] //[UInt32, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] //[UInt64, 43146 {System.Decimal}; Good] //[Float, 43146 {System.Single}; Good] //[Double, 43146 {System.Double}; Good] //[String, Mike {System.String}; Good] //[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] //[Guid, a0f06d75-9896-4fa3-9724-b564359da21b {System.Guid}; Good] //[UInt32Array, [10] {43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, 43150, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] // //...
Rem This example shows how to subscribe to dataset messages, specifying just the published dataset name, and resolving all Rem the dataset subscription arguments from an OPC-UA PubSub configuration file. Rem Rem In order to produce network messages for this example, run the UADemoPublisher tool. For documentation, see Rem https://kb.opclabs.com/UADemoPublisher_Basics . In some cases, you may have to specify the interface name to be used. Rem Rem Find all latest examples here : https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . Option Explicit Const UAPubSubResolverKind_PublisherFile = 3 Dim SubscribeDataSetArguments: Set SubscribeDataSetArguments = CreateObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub.OperationModel.EasyUASubscribeDataSetArguments") ' Specify the published dataset name, and let all other subscription arguments be resolved automatically. SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.PublishedDataSetName = "AllTypes-Dynamic" ' Define the PubSub resolver. We want the information be resolved from a PubSub binary configuration file that ' we have. The file itself is included alongside the script. SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.ResolverDescriptor.PublisherFileResourceDescriptor.UrlString = "UADemoPublisher-Default.uabinary" SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.ResolverDescriptor.ResolverKind = UAPubSubResolverKind_PublisherFile ' Instantiate the subscriber object and hook events. Dim Subscriber: Set Subscriber = CreateObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub.EasyUASubscriber") WScript.ConnectObject Subscriber, "Subscriber_" WScript.Echo "Subscribing..." Subscriber.SubscribeDataSet SubscribeDataSetArguments WScript.Echo "Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds..." WScript.Sleep 20*1000 WScript.Echo "Unsubscribing..." Subscriber.UnsubscribeAllDataSets WScript.Echo "Waiting for 1 second..." ' Unsubscribe operation is asynchronous, messages may still come for a short while. WScript.Sleep 1*1000 WScript.Echo "Finished." Sub Subscriber_DataSetMessage(Sender, e) ' Display the dataset. If e.Succeeded Then ' An event with null DataSetData just indicates a successful connection. If Not (e.DataSetData Is Nothing) Then WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "Dataset data: " & e.DataSetData Dim Pair: For Each Pair in e.DataSetData.FieldDataDictionary WScript.Echo Pair Next End If Else WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "*** Failure: " & e.ErrorMessageBrief End If End Sub ' Example output: ' 'Subscribing... 'Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds... ' 'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 '[BoolToggle, False {System.Boolean}; Good] '[Byte, 137 {System.Byte}; Good] '[Int16, 10377 {System.Int16}; Good] '[Int32, 43145 {System.Int32}; Good] '[Int64, 43145 {System.Int64}; Good] '[SByte, 9 {System.Int16}; Good] '[UInt16, 43145 {System.Int32}; Good] '[UInt32, 43145 {System.Int64}; Good] '[UInt64, 43145 {System.Decimal}; Good] '[Float, 43145 {System.Single}; Good] '[Double, 43145 {System.Double}; Good] '[String, Lima {System.String}; Good] '[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] '[Guid, 45a99b50-e265-41f2-adea-d0bcedc3ff4b {System.Guid}; Good] '[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:34 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] '[UInt32Array, [10] {43145, 43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] ' 'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 '[BoolToggle, True {System.Boolean}; Good] '[Byte, 138 {System.Byte}; Good] '[Int16, 10378 {System.Int16}; Good] '[Int32, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] '[Int64, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] '[SByte, 10 {System.Int16}; Good] '[UInt16, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] '[UInt32, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] '[UInt64, 43146 {System.Decimal}; Good] '[Float, 43146 {System.Single}; Good] '[Double, 43146 {System.Double}; Good] '[String, Mike {System.String}; Good] '[Guid, a0f06d75-9896-4fa3-9724-b564359da21b {System.Guid}; Good] '[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:34 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] '[UInt32Array, [10] {43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, 43150, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] '[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] ' 'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt64)31, writer=4, fields: 16 '[DateTime, 10/3/2019 7:15:35 AM {System.DateTime}; Good] '[BoolToggle, True {System.Boolean}; Good] '[Byte, 138 {System.Byte}; Good] '[Int16, 10378 {System.Int16}; Good] '[Int32, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] '[Int64, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] '[SByte, 10 {System.Int16}; Good] '[UInt16, 43146 {System.Int32}; Good] '[UInt32, 43146 {System.Int64}; Good] '[UInt64, 43146 {System.Decimal}; Good] '[Float, 43146 {System.Single}; Good] '[Double, 43146 {System.Double}; Good] '[String, Mike {System.String}; Good] '[ByteString, [20] {176, 63, 39, 37, 31, ...} {System.Byte[]}; Good] '[Guid, a0f06d75-9896-4fa3-9724-b564359da21b {System.Guid}; Good] '[UInt32Array, [10] {43146, 43147, 43148, 43149, 43150, ...} {System.Int64[]}; Good] ' '...
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